A. Lawrence Jenkens劳伦斯·詹肯斯教授,现任美国北卡格林斯堡大学视觉与表演艺术学院副院长,近期受邀到美术学院进行学术交流。
11月14日上午和15日下午进行合作项目专题座谈会,座谈会上大家畅所欲言,与A. Lawrence Jenkens劳伦斯·詹肯斯教授在两校的合作与交流方面进行了深入探讨,就“大师”工作坊、中美艺术交流中心、教师互换教学、专业共建、师生互访、联办展览等项目进行了进一步的磋商。美术学院李毅书记、杨为渝院长、谢东江副书记、田勇副院长、刘天宇助理及部分骨干教师参加了座谈。
14日下午和15日上午 A. Lawrence Jenkens劳伦斯·詹肯斯教授在新都校区图书馆学术报告厅进行了《尤利乌斯二世时期的罗马》大型学术讲座,现场座无虚席,气氛热烈,美术学院近800名师生到场聆听。
附:A. Lawrence Jenkens劳伦斯·詹肯斯教授简介
A. Lawrence Jenkens劳伦斯·詹肯斯教授
Associate Dean, College of Visual and Performing Arts
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
詹肯斯教授主要研究方向在于意大利文艺复兴时期的艺术,着重于十五世纪锡耶纳的建筑艺术, 并在该领域多次发表文章,如伯灵顿杂志(2002)。除了发表文章外,詹肯斯教授也曾在1997年担任为纪念理查德. 克劳萨默教授诞辰100周年所出版的一系列论文的共同编辑,主编关于锡耶纳文艺复兴时期的内容。2003年出版书“建设王朝:皮乌斯教皇二世及其家庭在锡耶纳(1459-1510)”. 多次参加国际研讨会并发表论文, 包括美国大学艺术协会并任会议主席, 美国文艺复兴协会(1997年,2000年,2003年)和建筑史学家学会(2001年)。
Associate Dean, College of Visual and Performing Arts
University of North Carolina – Greensboro
Lawrence Jenkens joined the School of Art in 2010 as Head, coming to UNCG from the University of New Orleans where he was a professor and chair of the Department of Fine Arts. His research has focused on the art and architecture of fifteenth-century Italy and particularly in Siena and Naples. He has taught all aspects of Italian art from the late medieval period through the Baroque. More recently, Professor Jenkens has become interested in the role of the visual arts in the redevelopment and renewal of depressed urban neighborhoods. As such, he was the founding director of the UNO-St. Claude Gallery, the only off-campus university gallery in New Orleans and located in the recovering St. Claude-St. Roch neighborhood.
Professor Jenkens’s research interests lie in the art of the Italian Renaissance with an emphasis on fifteenth-century architecture in Siena. He has published a number of articles in this area, most recently in the Bulletino Senese di Storia Patria (2001) and The Burlington Magazine (2002). In addition to these essays, Professor Jenkens has served as co-editor of a volume of papers in honor of Professor Richard Krautheimer’s 100th birthday (1997) and as editor of a volume forthcoming from Ashgate Press on the art of the Renaissance in Siena. His book, Constructing a Dynasty: The Buildings of Pius II and his Family in Siena 1459-1510, is currently being revised for publication in 2003. Professor Jenkens is also a frequent participant at national and international conferences having delivered papers at the College Art Association (1993, session chair 1998), the Renaissance Society of America (1997, 2000, 2003) and the Society of Architectural Historians (2001).
Professor Jenkens was the recipient of an NEH Fellowship of College Teachers (1997-98) and more recently, a residential fellowship at the Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies (Villa I Tatti) in Florence, Italy (2001-02). His most current research interests focus on the avenue of cultural exchange between Central Italy and the Kingdom of Naples in the fifteenth century.